The world's sweetest fundraising
Full of freshly-made award-winning liquorice from Kouvolan Lakritsi, this box is perfect for fundraising for a sports club, school class or association. The box can be personalised to look exactly the way you want it!

Materials to download
Please read the ordering guide carefully before placing your order. If you wish, you can also download a printable order form.
Order your personalised boxes of liquorice now!
Use our calculator to work out your target for selling boxes of liquorice.
Design the look of your box of liquorice and send us the artwork.
We deliver boxes of liquorice within 1-2 weeks of approval of the submission.
Start a sweet fundraising campaign!
Fundraising packaging sizes
500g box of liquorice
Size: height 15 cm, width 10 cm and depth 6 cm. 500g of traditional Kouvola liquorice inside.
Sales display stand (150 boxes)
Size: height 160 cm, width 60 cm and depth 40 cm. Displays are available for orders of a minimum of 750 boxes, i.e. five stands. The price includes personalised background boards.
Prices vs yield
Prices per 500g box (incl. VAT 14 %)
100-249 items
5,95 €/item -
250-499 items
5,85 €/item -
500-749 items
5,65 €/item -
750-999 kpl
5,45 €/item -
1000-1499 items
5,35 €/item -
1500 items and above
5,05 €/itemNote! Delivery is always free.
Yield at a box price of €10
from the sale of 100 boxes
380 € -
From the sale of 200 boxes
760 € -
From the sale of 300 boxes
1 200 € -
From the sale of 500 boxes
2 100 € -
From the sale of 750 boxes
3 300 € -
From the sale of 1000 boxes
4 500 €
Experiences of the world's sweetest fundraising

"Over the years, we've used the proceeds from the liquorice for field trips."
Risto Kilpeläinen, Principal of Mutala School, Joensuu

"Liquorice turned out to be an easy and enjoyable sales product, which was a joy in a corona spring."
P11 age group leader Marja Vepsä-Taipale (JäPS)

"We reached our goal easily and quickly. Next time we will set our sales target higher!"
Salon Viestin C-tytöt
Ota yhteyttä ja tee tilaus:
Any questions? If you've already read the ordering guide, but still have some questions, please feel free to contact us!
Roy Angelma
Sales Manager
Kouvolan Lakritsi Oy
Phone: +358 (0)40 455 4260
Email: roy.angelma@kouvolanlakritsi.fi
You can also contact us using the form below. All images in the boxes will always be sent by e-mail to roy.angelma@kouvolanlakritsi.fi.
Heräsikö kysymyksiä?
Jos olet jo tutustunut tilausoppaaseen, mutta jokin jäi silti mietityttämään, ota rohkeasti yhteyttä!
Voit halutessasi ottaa yhteyttä myös alla olevalla lomakkeella. Kaikki rasioihin tuleva kuvamateriaali toimitetaan aina sähköpostitse osoitteeseen roy.angelma@kouvolanlakritsi.fi.